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Dialogues is a series of drawings and paintings that explored chaos and order, illusion and reality, equilibrium and cycles. The dialogues happened between the structured or representational aspects of each piece, and the random aspects, such as the flow of fluids across a surface and their interaction with other materials.

Related publicity:
Chaos Meets Order, Willamette Week (PDF)
View from the Ivory Tower, The Oregonian (PDF)
Reservoir. 1997; 24" x 24"; Ink, acrylic, and oil on paper, mounted on panelDialogue I: Von Guerard. 1997; Ink, acrylic, and oil on paper, mounted on canvas with grommetsBirthday Mandala. 1997; 24" x 24"; Ink, acrylic, and oil on paper, mounted on panelServe. 1997; 6" x 6"; Ink, acrylic, and oil on paperBud. 1997; 6" x 6"; Ink, acrylic, and oil on paperDialogue IV. 1997; Ink, acrylic, and oil on paper, mounted on canvas with grommetsGray Lunar. 1997; Ink, acrylic, and oil on paper, mounted on canvas with grommetsCrossings III. 1997; Ink, acrylic, and oil on paper, mounted on canvas with grommetsPulse. 1997; Ink, acrylic, and oil on paper, mounted on panelGalaxy. 1997; Ink, acrylic, and oil on paperLode. 1997; 6" x 6"; Ink, acrylic, and oil on paperSide. 1997; 6" x 6"; Ink, acrylic, and oil on paper